Friday, July 17, 2009

School's Out Day 24: the AC monster

Nothing to blog about yesterday? HA!! I should have waited a little longer -- there would have been plenty to blog. Forget the midget on the uni-cycle, bed time is like having a circus right here at home. You know Maddy -- the kid who squashes ants and spiders with her bare hands, climbs UP a 5 foot slide like she's scaling the side of a mountain, jumps off the side of the pool when you're not even ready to catch her, goes down the flight of stairs in one straight shot on her belly...yeah, that kid -- afraid of the air conditioner in her bedroom. Screaming crying, "NO LIKE IT, take out, NO LIKE IT, take out MUMMA!!" I shut it off...NO, she wanted it OUT of the room. She was pointing her finger out the door, "take out, take out." Now, obviously I'm strong enough to lift that thing out of the second story window with one finger and throw it around like a rag doll.....but I can't let Hubby realize that I am capable of lifting/moving that sort of stuff. I have him carrying laundry baskets up and down the stairs for me and I'm just not willing to give that up. If he were to catch wind of my strength, he may even want me to bring the trash barrels to the curb and back. Anyway, I wasn't about to remove the air conditioner from the window...which made for a rough night.
On another note, Ava finished her week of "Let's Play Sports" camp today. We're trying to introduce our hip-hop, gyrating girly-girl to sports. Just when I thought we'd made some progress with sports camp, she informed me that today they taste-tested cereal.... and she liked "serious toast crunch" and "raisin bread" (meaning raisin bran) the best. I'm not sure what that had to do with sports then I asked her, "SO what was your favorite sport this week?" She said, "Ahhhh, I think 'across" and "air hockey'" (and by that she meant lacrosse and floor hockey). oh man. Why do I bother. Our last hope for sports will have to be Maddy...Rolly was thinking of "learn to skate" as a prep for hockey, but now we have the zamboni and the air conditioners to worry about.

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