An update on the last 3 blog entries...
1. Friday came, (the day after Veteran's Day holiday) and I had to drag Ava out of her bed for school. But Saturday she was the first one up, again. I'm just glad that this is the biggest issue I'll ever have to deal with when it comes to her. Parenting just gets easier as they get older. Right?
2. I never did get around to writing a real pretend letter from Santa asking for JB Jacks return to the North Pole until December. (The other letter I wrote was not really for the children. Since my husband actually had to ask me if I was leaving that letter for them - I thought there might be others out there who were wondering the same thing. I thought it was pretty obvious, but maybe no one gets my humor after all!?!??) In any event, turns out I've been creeping around the house each night hiding Jingle Bell Jack for no reason. The kids have already forgotten about him. Perfect foreshadowing to the events of Dec. 26th when the novelty of all their new toys will have worn off as well. I think I did find a way to rekindle Ava's interest in JB Jack though (see photo). She looks like she is having sweet dreams too, poor kid. (Looks like mother of the year will have to wait just one more year).
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